Monday 23 January 2012

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

Sometimes, just sometimes, it gives me enormous pleasure to listen to sad songs sung by solitary guys. Here are a couple of my favourites right now. Happy days.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Better late than never.

Hello blog lovers long time without a post. I apologise. I’ve missed you. Some words on some things I’ve learned last year. I know it’s nearly the end of January, but hey HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

It’s not about opinion, it’s about perspective.

I really really like Drake

The Hunger Games. Epic.

It’s not that you are necessarily too complicated. He might be too simple.

If you really don’t want it, you’ll always get it and if you really want it, you won’t.

In some cases absence makes the heart grow fonder, in other cases absence makes the heart realise there’s nothing to grow fond of. That’s a good thing, too.

Sometimes you just gotta jump straight in without thinking about it too long. Fuck it, life’s too short.

A good cry can sort you right out. But a good laugh is way better. Especially with the right people. 

Friday 13 January 2012

Toast Post

You know the feeling when you really want that slice of toast with jam, but you only have one piece of bread left and then you put it in the toaster and that damn thing burns? And then sets your fire alarm off. Yes, that’s my life right now. Metaphorically speaking.

So to cheer myself up, I like to look at pretty things. And I like sharing them, too.